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I'm Sarah, author of Call of the Blue Heron and Hanging Stars on Big Willow Creek. Welcome to my website! I hope to push myself harder than I ever have this year and that includes posting blogs on this site! Wish me luck!

Let me introduce myself. I just turned 44 years old, yikes! I am married to the most wonderful man and I know it is cliche to say, but he is my best friend. It's true, there is not another person on this earth I would rather spend my time with than him. We fought infertility early in our marriage and in the end we were unable to have children. People will ask what treatments we went through and when they find out we didn't do IVF, IUI or egg harvesting they assume we didn't want children bad enough. They would be wrong. Unless you have traveled this road you may not know the sense of such procedures, but price tags range from $70k and above for each one and they are not guaranteed. We didn't have that kind of money, nor did we want to put financial stress on our marriage. So, instead we give all our love to our fur children. I know many scoff at a pet being called a child, but that is exactly what they are. I have sat up at night with them when they are sick, I take them to the doctor, give them medications, feed and bathe them and even when I don't want to, I go outside and play with them. They are what we were given and we are going to embrace it and love them with everything we have inside us.

Our kids are Charlie 14, Brown 15, Lucy 6 and Nova 4. Three dogs and 1 cat. Charlie and Brown are getting older and it makes my heart sad to see them slow down and sleep more often than not. We've given them a good life though and it makes my heart happy to know they know how loved they are, though I fear the day they go to sleep forever. Lucy is our cat and she is a feisty little girl who we lovingly refer to as Lucyfer. Last, but not least is Nova, our chocolate lab. He is a high energy fella who does some pretty goofy stuff to make sure mom and dad are full of laughter.

We live in a smallish town in Idaho, but with out of staters flocking to our state it is steadily growing and I'm afraid someday soon I won't be able to say I'm from a small town anymore. Small towns are all I've ever known and I feel lucky to have been given this gift, it's helped to shape me into who I am today.

I hope you visit this site often as I plan on sharing things on my writing and all the things that we go through as authors, but also things about my personal life.

May you see life through the eyes of a child and find a reason to smile today!

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